5 Unusual Tips to Help You Prepare for Exams
The pressure is growing in the lead up to end-of-year exams. 2020 continues to be a tough year, and students are feeling overwhelmed and stressed. Dealing with exams seems particularly daunting for many.
While exams are serious business, study advice doesn’t have to be. These unusual tips will help you relax and get into the right frame of mind for final exams.
1. Cut Back on Study Time
Students tend to believe the longer they study, the more prepared they’ll be, but this isn’t the case. If you hone your time management skills in the lead up to exams, you can spend less time, not more, hitting the books.
Study is about quality not quantity. If you’re merely reading over notes and not doing anything to consolidate learning, you’ll gain little from study sessions. When you create a schedule, set goals and use a range of techniques you’ll achieve more in less time. A tutor can help you get the most out of study time.
2. Copy From Your Friends
Copying from others during exams is obviously wrong, but when friends study together and share ideas, everyone benefits. Through group study, students can explain concepts to each other, exchange notes and learn from each other’s strengths.
A study buddy can hold you to account, share study tips and provide a source of healthy competition. Working with someone else can help you feel more engaged and motivated, particularly if you’re an auditory learner.
3. Develop a (Healthy) Drinking Habit
A survey by the Cancer Council found that Australian teenagers consume sugary soft drinks at ‘unacceptably high levels.’ Not only are soft drinks full of empty kilojoules, putting young people at higher risk of cancer and diabetes, they’re not a good source of hydration.
Dehydration can interrupt concentration, affect sleep and cause headaches and irritability. When you get into the habit of drinking enough water regularly, you’ll feel more clear-headed and attentive for study. Experts recommend 6 to 8 cups of water a day for adolescents.
4. Don’t Listen to Teachers
What we mean is don’t just listen to teachers. Students assume that curriculum documents are for educators only, but you can find a lot of valuable information by looking at the syllabus for your subjects.
Curriculum and syllabus documents outline what you should know, and this is invaluable when studying. It allows you to plug any gaps in your learning and hone your approach to study. You can find copies online or at the library.
5. Ditch Study for Fun
It’s a common misconception that the night before an exam is the best time to cram because knowledge will still be fresh the next day. The truth is that cramming is one of the least effective ways to retain learning.
An intense study session overwhelms the brain, making it harder to remember information. When you relax and have a bit of fun the night before, you’ll approach exams with a clear head. This will make it easier to recall knowledge and make connections.
These tips will help take the stress out of exam preparation.