Fun Facts About Halloween in Australia

Halloween hasn’t always been widely acknowledged in Australia, but over recent years more people have started to celebrate this special holiday. It’s not uncommon today to see kids trick or treating in costume on the 31st of October, and adults aren’t averse to joining in the fun either!
To help your family get into the spirit this year, here are some fun facts about Halloween in Australia.
The First Celebration: Australia celebrate Halloween?
There are still some people in Australia who don’t like celebrating Halloween because they think it’s an American holiday which is not relevant here. The truth is that Halloween has been celebrated in Australia for well over 150 years. In fact, the first recorded celebration was in 1858 in Castlemain, Victoria.
A Growing Trend
According to a recent survey, one in four Australians will celebrate Halloween this year. They will do this by attending a party, wearing a costume, decorating their home or by providing goodies for trick-and-treaters. This is a significant increase, and exposure to American culture through social media has played a big part.
It’s Big Business
It’s estimated that consumer spending for Halloween will reach $430 million this year. That’s $86 for every person in the country! Halloween has become big business for retailers who are using it to build momentum in the lead-up to Christmas. Many shops now have themed window displays to create more interest.
Can help in teaching
Primary school tutors can use Halloween in their favor. You can have a special class to teach the history of Halloween, a small costume contest, or have your students write a short essay about their favorite monster. This will also help children socialize and share and debate ideas with each other.
Time to Party
Unlike the Northern Hemisphere where Halloween marks the start of colder weather, in Australia the days are getting longer and warmer. Halloween falls at the perfect time of the year to kick off party season as everyone begins to wind down in anticipation of the summer holidays. This is another reason for its growth in popularity.
Helps People Connect
It’s not all about spending money, eating candy and partying. Paul Harrison, a consumer behaviour expert, says that people have embraced Halloween in Australia because they’re looking for more opportunities to connect. Halloween provides a chance for people to socialise and spend quality time with family and friends.
Forming New Traditions
Australians are nothing if not adaptable, which is why we’ve modified some Halloween traditions to meet our own needs. One example is the traditional carving of a jack-o-lantern out of a pumpkin. Large pumpkins aren’t as readily available in Australia, so many choose to use more appropriate options for the season, such as pineapples, watermelons and papaya.
Nowadays, australians celebrate Halloween! We hope you enjoy Halloween with your family this year!