Our Top Wellness Practices’ to Boost Academic Success
Wellness and academic success go hand in hand. Too often students neglect their health and form bad habits. The longer students persist with these habits, the harder it becomes to adopt a healthy lifestyle.
A poor diet and lack of sleep and exercise can affect memory and concentration, impacting on academic results. There’s a lot more to wellness than just physical needs, and it’s vital to take care of your mental and emotional health also.
These practices will enhance your wellbeing and boost your success at school.
Connect with Others
Having a strong sense of belonging is key to wellness. To help you feel connected, make the effort to join activities at school. This may involve taking part in the debating team, volunteering for choir or joining the drama club. Anything that gets you communicating regularly with peers about a shared interest is good for your physical and mental wellbeing.
Develop Strong Resilience
Resilience is the ability to bounce back when you experience setbacks. People with resilience are able to learn from mistakes and recognise that failure is part of life. Those who lack resilience often blame themselves when things go wrong and can become paralysed with fear. You can develop resilience by being aware of how you respond to negative events. Think about how you can do better next time but try to avoid blame and negative self-talk.
Write in a Journal
Writing in a journal is excellent for wellbeing as it gives you an outlet for expressing emotions and thinking more deeply. It allows you to get to know yourself better and reflect on what you want. This provides a solid foundation for mental health. Many people use their journal to express gratitude for the good things in their lives. An added benefit of journaling is that it also improves your writing skills.
Get Outside to Exercise
We all know exercise is good for the mind and body. Getting outside to enjoy nature is also a proven mood enhancer. When you combine these activities, you have a sure-fire way to improve your physical and mental health. There are many activities you can do in the great outdoors, including hiking, rock climbing and mountain biking.
Eat a Balanced Diet
A good diet is essential for physical and mental wellbeing. Students who don’t eat properly often lack energy and can feel depressed. They may struggle to concentrate in class. To boost energy and concentration, ensure you’re eating plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables. Avoid fatty foods, and those loaded with sugar and salt. It’s fine to eat fast food occasionally, but only as a special treat.
Get Enough Sleep
Lack of sleep is a chronic problem among young people today. Technology plays a big part in this as many students stay up late on their devices, leading to fatigue and lack of focus in class. Make the effort to stick to a bedtime routine and you’ll reap the benefits. We recommend turning off all devices an hour before bed to give yourself time to wind down.
Regularly Practice Meditation
Anxiety is another chronic issue in today’s fast-paced world. Meditation teaches you how to switch off and develop a sense of inner calm. It has been found to improve concentration, reduce anxiety and aid sleep.
Looking after your mind and body will help you achieve your best academic results.