Podcasts to Help Auditory Learners Revise for the HSC

Help Auditory Learners Revise for the HSC
Podcasts to Help Auditory Learners Revise for the HSC are an ideal way to study for the HSC because they provide information that is easy to understand and assimilate for those with this learning style.
Thanks to technology, podcasts are now available on every topic imaginable. There are many great audio presentations to help students revise for the HSC. The beauty of this educational tool is that you can download a podcast on your phone and listen anywhere. In addition to the use of technology, it is a good idea to have in-home tutoring
Here are some quality podcasts to help you get started.
Claydon’s HSC Business
Oliver Claydon is the Head Teacher of Professional Learning and VET coordinator at a NSW high school. He has made a series of podcasts about marketing to help students enrolled in HSC Business Studies. In these podcasts he looks at marketing strategies, processes and influences as well as Human Resources and financial management.
Econ Talk
Economics can be a dry subject which seems disconnected from students’ lives. Econ Talk helps overcome this by showing just how relevant and interesting economics is, and how closely related it is to everything we do. This podcast provides an excellent overview for HSC students by exploring current issues. It can help students understand their coursework on a deeper level and approach exams with confidence.
Sunday School: VCE English texts with Libbi Gorr
These podcasts were created in conjunction with presenter Libbi Gorr and English teachers. Although they are based on the VCE English syllabus, they provide a treasure trove of information for students studying for the HSC. Some of the texts overlap with the HSC syllabus but students may also find their own chosen related text in the list of books discussed. Just listening to teachers discuss books is extremely helpful for students because it gives insights into what markers are looking for. There’s also advice on how to prepare for English exams.
Grammar Girl Tips for Better Writing
It doesn’t matter how much you know or how hard you’ve studied if you can’t express your thoughts well in writing. Grammar Girl tips are ideal for students who need help honing their writing skills. This podcast provides short, easy to understand tips to help you improve in this area. Topics discussed include punctuation, grammar and style. Grammar Girl won the award for best education podcast in 2017.
Douchy’s Biology Podcasts
Andrew Douch is a Victorian biology teacher who has created a series of podcasts to assist students studying for the VCE. These podcasts are also very beneficial for HSC students. He explores topics such as evolution, natural selection, mutations, immunity, and much more. The podcasts are packed with useful information from a qualified teacher. Episodes generally run from thirty minutes to over an hour.
History Extra Ancient Rome Special
In this BBC podcast, author Mary Beard discusses her one-volume history of Rome and Robert Harris talks about his fictional portrayal of Roman statesman Cicero. This presentation contains useful information for those studying the Roman Empire.
These are just some of the great podcasts available which can help HSC students. If you’re willing to do some searching, there are many more gems to be found.