Resources to Help Students Choose the Right Career Path

Choose the Right Career Path
Choose the Right Career Path is one of life’s most important decisions. As students near the end of their school years, they need to start putting serious thought into what they want to do next. We remind you that this great decision can be based on what you have learned at in-home tutoring.
Access to quality information about further study and job opportunities is vital. Fortunately, there are many great resources available for parents and kids to help students choose the right career path.
Job Outlook
This government website has a careers quiz and skills matching tool to help students work out what jobs would suit them. It provides information about the future outlook for different industries and allows students to explore pay rates, growth predictions and skill levels for particular roles. It also contains links to other resources.
Course Seeker
Course Seeker is an interactive website which allows students to compare undergraduate courses nationally. It provides detailed information about entry requirements, course information, admissions processes and the results of student satisfaction surveys.
My Future
The MyFuture website was designed in collaboration with industry and state and federal governments. Students can explore different occupations and courses, build a career profile and discover their strengths. It includes case studies and career insights.
My Skills
My Skills is a national directory for vocational education and training (VET) in Australia. This government initiative was developed as a tool to help people explore and compare training providers and VET courses.
Job Jump Start
Through this government website students can browse articles about careers, as well as informative practical posts about interview and letter writing tips. There are videos on defining career goals and specific advice for school leavers. On the homepage users select a description which applies to them, such as ‘I’m at school,’ and they are guided to the most relevant information.
Australian Apprenticeship Pathways
This information service provides advice and resources for those considering an apprenticeship or traineeship. There is a section for students with information about school-based apprenticeships for those who want to begin training while still studying. Under job and training descriptions students can do an interactive search for their state in different industries. They can browse job pathway charts and take literacy and numeracy quizzes for different industries.
Go Volunteer
For students taking a gap year or those who aren’t sure what they want to do after school, volunteering is an ideal option. Go Volunteer is a national website which allows users to search for different roles and organisations in their area. Opportunities are also available through local volunteer organisations.
These resources will help students make the right choices for the future.