Tips for Taking the Stress Out of Homework for Kids
Taking the Stress Out of Homework for Kids
Homework is a source of stress in many households. Kids often try to avoid it and parents become frustrated when they are constantly nagging children to get it done. Homework can also cause stress when the workload is excessive or during busy periods when kids feel overwhelmed by assignments, deadlines, and exams. When students are stressed, they don’t retain information as well and learning suffers. This can have a snowball effect so it’s best to tackle it early on and consider hiring a home tutor to have a better homework organization for your child. These tips will help to take the Stress Out of Homework for Kids:
Create a schedule
Many parents make the mistake of relying on kids to do homework when they feel like it. Creating a schedule can take much of the stress out of homework because children don’t have the option to put it off. Experiment with what time of day best suits your child. Some kids prefer to get homework out of the way when they get home from school while others like to have a break first. Once you’ve established a time it’s important to stick to it. Completing their homework at a set time helps kids develop good time management skills.
Remove distractions
It’s unfair to expect children to concentrate on homework when the TV is blaring, their siblings are fighting or there are loud conversations taking place in the next room. Students need a quiet, peaceful area to study. This may be in a common area in the house or in their bedroom. You should be able to check on them occasionally to make sure they’re on task and an adult should be available if they need help.
Be organized
Keeping a planner in a prominent place with all assignments, exams and other school activities marked clearly on it helps students to stay on top of their work. It also allows you to check-in with them to make sure they’re not leaving things until the last minute. Younger children may forget about homework assignments so it’s a good idea to look in their bags regularly for any forgotten tasks. When kids are organized they feel in control and this can alleviate much stress.
Keep it positive
Students often see homework as a type of punishment, so it’s important to help them understand how it benefits them. Explain that homework not only teaches them academic skills but also enables them to develop discipline and organizational skills. When they express anger and frustration about homework, don’t try to deny their feelings. Instead, use this as an opportunity to talk about managing emotions.
Talk to the teacher
If your child is struggling with tasks or you feel that homework is excessive it’s important to contact the teacher. They may be able to give clearer instructions or revise the amount of homework given. Talking with the teacher will help you determine if your child’s problems with homework are a symptom of deeper learning issues requiring further intervention.
These tips will help reduce homework stress in your home.