Understanding NAPLAN Results for Parents

Understanding NAPLAN Results for Parents

Most parents are aware that the way NAPLAN results are reported changed in 2023. Previously NAPLAN results were measured against 10 achievement bands, including 5 national minimum standards. Band 1 represented the lowest level of achievement and band 10 the highest. 

From 2023 results are measured against four proficiency standards to make it easier for parents to understand their student’s NAPLAN report. Results from 2023 onwards can no longer be compared directly with previous years’ results.  

The new reporting method is great news for both parents and educators who can use this simplified information to adjust learning programs and seek support when needed. 

How Has NAPLAN Changed?

NAPLAN is designed to assess literacy and numeracy skills, and the questions are based on the Australian National Curriculum in English and Maths. The areas tested are reading, writing, conventions of language and numeracy. The questions are designed to be challenging but reasonable.

The content assessed in NAPLAN has not changed, only the method of reporting. For the first time in 2023, the test was conducted entirely online. It is now held in Term 1 rather than Term 2 so the results can be released earlier. 

Individual student reports will be made available to schools from Term 3 each year, with the date of release to parents to be determined by each state or territory’s testing authority. 

What Are NAPLAN Proficiency Levels?

The four proficiency levels students are now measured against for each assessment at their year level are:

  • Exceeding: student exceeds expectations for their year level at the time of testing. 
  • Strong: student performed well and met challenging but appropriate expectations at the time of testing. 
  • Developing: student is working towards meeting expectations at the time of testing.
  • Needs additional support: student is not achieving expected learning outcomes at the time of testing and will likely require additional support to meet expectations. 

These proficiency levels were set by subject area experts, based on their judgement of the knowledge and skills students should reasonably be expected to demonstrate at each year level tested. 

Reports show each student’s achievements in comparison with the national average for their grade level, as well as the achievement range of the middle 60% of students. Some states and territories also include the school average. 

The last page of the report has a summary of the skills demonstrated at each level of proficiency. Parents can access more detailed information about skill levels here

How Do NAPLAN Changes Benefit Students?

One of the greatest benefits of the new NAPLAN reporting is that it gives teachers and parents two terms instead of one to identify areas for improvement and assist struggling students

The simplified method of reporting enables parents to get a much clearer grasp on exactly which skills students need help with and to see whether they are meeting expectations for their stage. It clearly identifies students who require additional support, prompting parents to find the right kind of help for their student. 

It is important to note that students who receive a Developing result may also need extra support, and students who get Exceeding or Strong in one learning area may require help in another area. 

Tutors are able to use NAPLAN data to assess students’ knowledge and abilities in each learning area. When combined with our own highly accurate assessment tools, this information allows us to develop a detailed personalised learning plan for each student. 

Contact us for a free consultation today!

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