What are the Australian Science Olympiads and How Can Students Participate?

Australian Science Olympiads

Australian Science Olympiads are annual exams which are designed to enhance the learning of secondary students. 

The Science Olympiads give students the chance to challenge and extend themselves in science and gain recognition for their efforts. Participants will receive a certificate with their grade. They are also eligible for enrichment and residential programs, based on performance.  

Free support is available online, including more than 500 practice questions and access to past papers. Students can work through these questions at their own pace. 

Program has three stages.

Stage 1 – Australian Olympiad Exams

Students sit the exams during July and August. Students in years 11 and 12 can sit one or more tests in Biology, Physics, Chemistry and Earth and environmental science. Exams are designed to test knowledge, problem solving and critical thinking skills. 

Junior Science Olympiad exam is for Students in years 7 to 10.

Each exam lasts for two hours and is conducted under strict test conditions at participants’ schools. Check out the website for key dates

Stage 2 – Enrichment Pathways Program

Students who excel in their exams will be invited to participate in the Australian Science Olympiads Summer School.  

The work covered in this program is equivalent to first-year university level subjects in chemistry, biology, physics and Earth and environmental science. It’s an amazing opportunity for gifted science students to further their knowledge, extend their skills and meet experts in the field.

Top ten students at the summer school will then be invited to a residential camp at the Australian National University (ANU) in Canberra. This is a week-long camp which will be held in 2023.

There is also a Junior Science Olympiads enrichment program for students aged 15 and under.

Participants must pay a fee to attend the summer school. Families experiencing financial hardship can apply for special consideration. 

Stage 3 – International Olympiad Exams

High achieving students will be offered a place on the Australian Science Olympiads team. Which allows them to compete at the International Science Olympiads.

These students will represent Australia in one subject in the fields of chemistry, biology, physics and Earth and environmental science. Participating internationally at an elite level gives these students a wonderful head-start for their future studies and career.

Why Participate in the Science Olympiads?

Benefits of participating include: 

  • Invaluable experience solving scientific problems and learning how science is used beyond the classroom.
  • Enhance applications for scholarships and research programs. 
  • Enables students to make informed decisions about university courses and future careers.
  • Provides opportunities to network and make like-minded friends. 
  • Offers chances for national and international travel. 

How Do Students Apply?

Registrations are now open for the 2022 Australian Science Olympiads and will close Friday 22nd July.  Students must register through their school or registered homeschool. 

Kids have a lot to gain from participation in this initiative.
