When is the Best Time to Hire a Tutor?
Making the decision to hire a tutor can be a difficult one for parents. Some are not sure if their child needs additional support, or they simply don’t know how to hire a tutor. Others feel it’s too late to start tutoring, or they question how can tutoring help students who are not struggling.
While there is no right or wrong time to hire a tutor, it’s better to seek help as early as possible to ensure your child gets all the benefits of tutoring.
Below are some answers to help you decide if tutoring is the right choice for your student.
How Can I Tell If My Child Needs a Tutor?
Poor or slipping grades are one obvious sign your child is struggling to keep up in class. If your child’s teacher has raised concerns about their progress, it’s a good indication they need extra support.
Other signs that students need help can be more subtle. If your child dislikes going to school and tries to avoid it, this could indicate they are having issues with their schoolwork. If getting them to do homework is an ongoing battle, it may be because they don’t understand what’s required of them.
The first step in these cases is to contact the school. Your child’s teacher can help you work out if there are other issues such as bullying which may be causing their behaviour. If there are no underlying problems at school, it’s a good idea to hire a tutor to assess your child and determine where they need support.
Have I Left it Too Late to Seek Help?
When a child is close to finishing school and their results have been mediocre or poor, parents may wonder if it’s too late for a tutor. While early intervention is desirable, it is by no means too late to hire a tutor at any age to get the benefits of tutoring.
There are many ways a tutor can assist a student with ongoing learning challenges. In addition to helping them catch up academically, tutors also assist students to develop vital life skills in the areas of communication, organisation and self-reliance.
Another instance when parents may ask if it’s too late to hire a tutor is when a child’s grades slip late in the school year. It’s common for parents in these cases to put off tutoring until the new school year. This is counterproductive because kids will only fall further behind. A tutor can work with students through the holidays to pinpoint and strengthen areas of weakness.
How Can Tutoring Help Students Who Aren’t Struggling?
When a child is already doing reasonably well, parents often hesitate to hire a tutor because they wonder if it can make a significant difference. The short answer is all children can get the benefits of tutoring regardless of their academic level.
Kids who are getting sound grades can boost their grades further and develop important life skills. A tutor can also provide enrichment activities for advanced students so they continue to be challenged and engaged with their work.
A tutor’s role is to help all students reach their full potential, and they do this by developing an individual learning plan based on each student’s needs. This involves closely assessing each student’s knowledge and skills.
Early intervention is recommended for struggling students, but it’s never too late to hire a tutor.
How to Hire a Tutor
Do you need more information about how to hire a tutor and what’s involved? Are you wondering how can tutoring help students with learning disabilities and other special needs?
We offer a free consultation to discuss our process and explain how we carefully match tutors to meet each student’s requirements.
Contact us today to learn about the benefits of tutoring for your child.