Our Guarantee

Our Guarantee to You

Tutor Services You Can Trust

At Tutor Doctor, we understand that every student learns differently, which is why we develop unique, personalised plans for each individual we tutor. Our process includes an assessment, tutor match, tutoring services, and overall support for parents throughout the sessions. This system has earned us a high satisfaction rate, with 95% of our customers happy to recommend us.

We are committed to student success. In order to ensure our customers are 100% satisfied with the tutoring services we provide, we back our services up with several guarantees. From ensuring a proper tutor fit to refunding your investment, we go above and beyond to make sure you’re happy.

60 day money back guarantee

If you aren’t completely satisfied with the tutoring services being provided, we can refund any unused tutoring hours for up to 60 days following the date of purchase under our 60-Day Money Back Guarantee.

60-Day Money Back Guarantee

We believe in helping students improve their learning skills and abilities. We craft tutoring programmes and plans based off of the unique needs of each student. That means our tutors are equipped to provide the personalised tutoring services your child needs to excel!

Tutor Match Guarantee

Our tutors are specifically matched with your child based on learning style and personality. We perform a detailed assessment to get a comprehensive grasp on the areas your child needs help with. After that, we use an advanced matching system to find a qualified tutor for their needs.

Our Tutor Match Guarantee states that if you are not happy or satisfied with the tutor paired with your child at any time, we will assign a new tutor.

* Some conditions may apply, so we encourage you to call your local Tutor Doctor for more details.

Tutor Match Guarantee

Safe Guarding

We offer a level of safety and assurance to our customers that is unrivalled. Tutor Doctor fully understand that children’s safety and security come first. We have developed the following policy to which our offices in Australia adhere to ensure we deliver the service that our customers expect and the reassurance they need:

  • We interview our tutors face-to-face. We want to know them and like them before we contemplate using them! The time we take to get to know our tutors is time well spent. Our job is to understand what drives them and what they can do for our students. Understanding the aspirations and needs of our students as well as the qualities and abilities of tutors creates the perfect ‘magic match’.
  • We carry out suitability and background checks on all tutors, including academic & personal references. All tutors are required to have an up to date ‘working with children’ check according to our policy.
  • All staff and tutors have signed Independent Service Agreements with Tutor Doctor, agreeing to adhere to the Tutor Doctor code of conduct.