Exam Preparation Tutoring in Australia

Exam Preparation Tutoring

17,000 Tutors in Over 15 Countries

Exams are the most stressful events in a student’s educational career. They often determine the year for an entire class, and subsequently affect the student’s placement in other classes.

With so much at stake, student stress levels are at an all-time-high. When your student is facing a high-stakes exam, give them every advantage possible. Tutoring offers students the opportunity to combat anxiety, recall information faster, and conquer exams with confidence!

If you want to prepare your student for big exams in the best way possible, call Tutor Doctor today!

The Pain of Exam Anxiety

We prepare students for these tests in Australia:

  • NAPLAN, National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy
  • IB – International Baccalaureate
  • NSW Selective High School Test
  • NSW Opportunity Class Test
  • HSC – Higher School Certificate
  • VCE – Victorian Certificate of Education

Exam anxiety is a natural response to testing situations. It is common in students, as nearly 40% of students report feeling some form of moderate to high exam anxiety. Now, keep in mind that exam anxiety is not merely nervousness—it can cause students to freeze-up on exams.

Exam anxiety causes students to make mistakes they would not normally make under high-pressure circumstances. Their reasoning becomes jumbled as panic sets in, eventually causing them to score lower than their peers by an average of 12%! Exam anxiety is a real issue that affects student performance in the short and long term. Thankfully, there is a solution.

university tutors

Over 200,000 Students Helped in 15 Years

Our tutors are highly-trained in combating exam anxiety. Good exam-taking skills are acquired the same way as sports skills—through efficient, consistent coaching. During sessions, we provide exercises and drills that develop exam-taking skill, quick recall, and mitigates worry.

Our tutors at Tutor Doctor conduct these sessions in your home, giving your child the benefit of learning in a safe and familiar environment. These exercises develop your child’s exam-taking as well as his or her self-image and confidence. By the time he or she is facing a high-stakes academic situation, they will be equipped with the tools to succeed, no matter the exam.

Help your child gain the advantage they need to succeed,
schedule a free assessment and consultation with Tutor Doctor today!

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