Special needs tutoring near me in Melbourne West.
Set Your Child Up for Success with the Right Tools
At Tutor Doctor, students with special needs are known as exceptional students. The term exceptional includes all learners who need additional support in the classroom and is quickly becoming the preferred term in educational circles. We celebrate students’ differences and recognise that these differences are what makes each student an individual.
In a study conducted by the Center of Parent Information and Resources, it was discovered that one-to-one tutoring is profoundly beneficial for students with unique learning needs. At Tutor Doctor, we know exceptional students can succeed when given the right tools and personalised attention – which is exactly what our tutoring programme aims to provide.
When you work with us, the tutor comes to you – wherever you are, whenever is convenient for you. We match your child with a handpicked tutor, who will work to fill in the missing gaps in your child’s knowledge, provide them with the skills necessary to be independent learners, and help boost their confidence by allowing them to grow in a comfortable learning environment.
Tutor Doctor supports all students, including those who have:
- Autism Spectrum Disorder
- Auditory and Visual Processing Disorders
- Non-Verbal Learning Disabilities
- Language Based Learning Disabilities
- Deafness/ Hardness of Hearing
- Blindness/ Partial Sight
Customised Learning Programmes for Students with Exceptionalities
Many exceptional students have classroom support programmes in place to level the academic playfield and allow them fair and equal access to education. Tutor Doctor ensures our tutoring is aligned with these programmes. You and your child are your child’s best advocates and know your child’s strengths, needs, and goals. We encourage self advocacy and you will always have a say in the support we provide your child. We will work together to create the right educational framework to help your child succeed.